Aloha and Welcome
For the past 38 years, I have had the privilege and honor of serving the people of Hawai’i in the courtroom and as a community advocate. My career as an advocate for the people and the environment evolved from spending everyday of my youth exploring the wonders of nature. Living my entire life next to the ocean, I could not help but become emotionally and spiritually connected to nature, especially our seas. To me, the natural world is a place of beauty and awe that sustains our physical, emotional, and mental well being. Without a healthy environment, we cannot have a healthy society or safe community to raise our children. A healthy and balanced environment will sustain a safe world.
Thus, I have aspired to use my law practice to make our island home a safer and healthier place for my clients, our community, our kupuna, and our keiki, and to preserve and protect Hawaii's aina, our unique environment, for future generations.
I am grateful to be of service,
Teresa Tico